Wednesday, February 10, 2016

When God asks something of you

It seems appropriate that today's post is about sacrifice, as today is the first day of Lent. 10 days ago I made a decision to stop eating gluten, dairy, soy, and processed sugars. This decision has been a long time coming, and the series of events that led up to the final decision were truly divine.

Do you ever have moments when you feel God speaking to you? I try to look for God's direction in every aspect of my life; through other people, things I read, things that happen to me, etc. Towards the beginning of this year I felt God starting to whisper in my ear about changing my diet. First it was a blog post by another infertility blogger I follow. Then it was a conference call. And finally, a book I was reading late one night. It all sort of fell into place quickly and then I knew - it was time to give up some of the foods I love. But not just for Lent, for much longer. Maybe even forever.

Women with PCOS struggle a lot with diet. Our bodies do not respond to certain foods in the same way that a "normal" body does. There are certain foods that wreak havoc on our bodies, spike our blood sugar, inhibit insulin production, and make our hormones go wild (as if we need any more help with that!). I have done loads of research on diet and PCOS over the years, and I've dabbled in different diets. It's not that I don't know what works for my's that I'm too darn stubborn to give up the unhealthy foods that I love! I wanted to keep eating them because darn it! Other people can so why can't I? I LOVE sugar and carbs and I especially love cheese! It's not fair that I should have to give them up - or is it?

I recently read a book titled Greater by Steven Furtick. It is a quick but excellent read and really makes you think. I highly recommend it! As I was reading this book, I also read a blog post about being obedient and giving up the things that God has asked you to and having faith, even when it doesn't make sense. This particular blogger, a fellow PCOS sister, had decided to give up gluten and dairy and wrote about how it made a huge impact on her health. It got me thinking. And then I was on a conference call with some fellow businesswomen discussing similar things - making small sacrifices to obtain big rewards, listening and being obedient to what God is telling us to do. It was then that I thought, "maybe God is trying to tell me something?"

And then, after several more signs came my way, I had my "a ha" moment. I was reading Greater one night, and Furtick was talking about the story of Naaman in the Bible. He had Leprosy, and said he would do anything to be healed...except he refused to do the one thing that he was told to do; bathe in the Jordan river. And Furtick asked the question (I'm paraphrasing) what is the one thing that God has asked you to do that you refuse to do?

Ouch. That stings, doesn't it?

I instantly knew the answer. It was as if the Holy Spirit and reached down from heaven and smacked me upside the head. In that very moment I knew that I knew that I knew it was time to make a drastic change to my diet. It wasn't going to be easy, but it was going to be worth it.

You see, for over 4 years now I have said I would do anything to have a baby. I'd give up anything to hold that precious bundle of joy in my arms. But would I really? Was I really being honest with myself? The sad truth is no, I wasn't. Because it was easier to throw money at the problem. It was easier to take supplements and medication and consult with fertility doctors and give myself shots and hope to find a solution that didn't involve me giving up my favorite foods. Sure I've toyed around with several diets over the past 4 years, but I've never REALLY been serious about it. Not until now. Because you know what? It's time to be honest with myself. It's time to give up the one thing that God has been asking me to give up all along. Besides, nothing else has worked! I have nothing to lose, right?

So I prayed. I asked God to give me the strength to give up the things I need to. I asked forgiveness for being so stubborn and not listening to Him all these years. I asked for guidance and a sense of peace in my decision. I asked Him for the strength to say no to the things I needed to say no to. And I thanked Him for putting the people and circumstances in my path over the past few weeks that led me to this decision.

I have now been eating a gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, low-sugar diet for 10 days. And you know what? I actually feel really good! Not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. And you know the funny thing? I don't feel like I've sacrificed anything! Perhaps it's because I know that I am doing what God wants me to do. I have finally let go of my selfish stubbornness and submitted to God's will and it feels great! I know this isn't always going to be easy (because let's be real here. I have a huge weakness for baked goods and cheese), but I know in the end it will be worth it. And for once, I don't feel like I'm on a diet at all. I haven't even noticed what I'm missing, because I don't feel like I'm missing anything (ask me this again after I go on a business trip next month to one of my favorite cities and all its glorious foods! HA!).

For some, it may seem silly that I'm making such a big deal out of food. But for me, someone who struggles with an eating disorder and food addiction, this is a HUGE step. I am truly making a small sacrifice for something greater. Because if this sacrifice results in me getting pregnant and holding a precious baby in my arms, I don't think I'll really care about how many cupcakes I missed out on or the cheese dip I passed up at the last party, or how I'm more careful about what I order at a restaurant. Nope, I imagine none of that will matter much. And can I tell you something? I know without a doubt that this is the right thing for me. I know that this sacrifice is getting me one step closer to holding that sweet baby in my arms. How do I know? Because for once, I've actually listened and obeyed God's orders, and I feel so convicted that He has asked this of me. I am at complete peace with this decision, and my oh my it feels good!

So now I ask you - what is the one thing in your life that you KNOW God has asked you to do and/or sacrifice that you keep refusing? What's that one thing you'd do anything for - except the one thing that God is asking you to do?

Pray about it, meditate on it, and ask God for the strength to act on it. Chances are you already know what it is, and you've been pushing it to the back of your mind like I did. If that's the case, then bring it forward and force yourself to face it. It's a scary thing to do, but I promise you will feel so much better when you deal with it. And when you do, lean into God and immerse yourself in His power. Things like these are impossible to do alone, but the wonderful thing is, you don't have to!

"For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." -Philippians 4:13 (NLT)


  1. Love this! I recently gave up gluten and dairy because God was asking me to as well. And I feel so much better for it too! Hang in there girl! Obedience is always the breeding grounds for His blessings.

  2. it's the truth! God is so faithful! Makes me wonder why I'm not always so faithful to Him. I'm working on it!

    P.S. I'm so happy you read my blog! I LOVE your blog! It has brought me so much inspiration! :-)
