I'm not much of a believer in coincidences. I believe that God puts us in exactly the right place at exactly the right time, whether we want to recognize it or not. Sometimes, when we think we're supposed to do one thing, God has a different plan that unfolds. Today was one of those days.
Today was a slow day at work. This morning my boss was in meetings and didn't have much work for me to do, so I sat around doing nothing for most of the morning. Now if you know me, you know that sitting around doing nothing isn't exactly my thing. I need to be doing something. Always. I couldn't have my cell phone because A. it was in my boss's office and B. I'm not really supposed to have it while I'm working anyway. So, I was sent to a room to sit and wait for something to do (this sort of thing drives me insane). When I walked in the room there was a girl I recognized who works in another part of the building. She had been hurt on the job and put on doctor's restrictions for the next few days. I asked her how she was feeling and she said she was still in some pain. We joked about how getting hurt sucks. She was bored doing mundane busywork...also the type of person who can't sit still. Haha!
We talked for a bit. At first it was the usual stuff...work, the weather, car trouble, etc. Then she asked me if I have kids, and I gave her my usual reply as of late "not yet, but we're trying!" I asked her about her kids and she started talking about them. Then she starting talking about how frustrated she was with her youngest, who she thinks has sensory issues. I'm currently finishing my master's degree in special education and writing my thesis about using music to help kids with Autism. Coincidence that this girl just opened up to me about her daughter who might be on the spectrum? I don't think so! So we talked a bit about sensory issues and resources available and I gave her some (hopefully helpful) advice.
Then she really opened up. I don't know why, maybe the talk about her daughter established a level of trust. But she started talking about her living situation and her fiancé and how it's not a good relationship. She was thinking of leaving him but needed money to take care of her kids, hence the new job. It was like she opened up more with every sentence that came out of her mouth. And I listened. Because it was clear that she needed sometime to talk to. It was clear that she was in a situation she saw no way out of and needed to tell someone about it. It was clear that she needed affirmation that she was doing the right thing for her kids with the decisions she is making. Sometimes all someone needs is a friendly, trustworthy ear.
You see, I can relate to this young girl. I've been at such a low point in my life that I didn't know where to go. I've been engaged to a verbally abusive man who tried to control me. I've been to a place where I saw no way out. When I finally did get out...alone, broke, and nowhere to go but back to my parents...it was one of the scariest moments of my life. But I survived, and I can help other young women who see no way out of a bad relationship. I can help moms who are so stressed with their young kids with special needs that they can't even think straight. I can listen, and give advice when appropriate, and be someone that a person in need can trust.
It had to be divine intervention that we were both but in that very room at that very moment. I was thinking "great I'll be bored all morning" and she was probably thinking it sucked that she got hurt and stuck in an office all day. But God had plans for the both of us this morning, and I'm glad we got to talk. I prayed for this young girl on my way home today. Still this evening our conversation is weighing heavy on my heart. Part of me hopes I have another slow work day next week and she still has to sit in that room and do mundane busywork so we can talk again. But if not, I can rest in the thought that maybe...just maybe...I made a small difference in a young woman's life today. Maybe she'll go home tonight and be a little more patient with her daughter. Maybe she'll finally get the courage to get out of a bad relationship. Maybe, when life keeps throwing punches at her, she'll know that she is not alone and there is someone out there who will listen.
You never know when you will have an influence on someone's life. Take time to listen. Instead of getting frustrated that things aren't going your way, ask God what He is doing in that particular situation. Maybe he's trying to teach you something. Maybe there is someone that needs you more than you need whatever it is you were trying to do. God always puts us in the exactly the right place, at the exactly the right moment, with exactly the right people. How awesome would it be if we embraced that instead of fighting it?